Working Mum

In 2009 ahead of the critical Copenhagen climate talks (COP15), Malini took a delegation of senior Indian climate experts to Washington DC, as part of her Indian NGO CSM’s Climate Challenge India programme, to provide an independent briefing to the White House, Congress and US civil society on climate change efforts, action and ambition in India.

Joined by senior journalist and editor, Prem Shankar Jha, solar entrepreneur Harish Hande, and climate scientist Prof A. Nambi, the team met with Senator John Kerry, then Chair, Foreign Relations Committee.

As a working mum, Malini had a child in tow. This was a not uncommon occurrence, given the challenges of childcare for parents with limited means. Over the course of her professional life working between India and the UK, Malini has raised three children, who often traveled with her as infants. She is passionate about the need for affordable quality childcare, infrastructure and incentives to support working parents, in particular working mothers, to manage home and workplace responsibilities.